Data Cards

Allen West Donors for a Stronger America

Congressman West is an Army Veteran who served in the U.S. Military for 20 years and served in Operation Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. He is the former Republican Representative from Florida’s 22nd Congressional District. He was on the Small Business Committee and the Armed Services Committee. The Congressman was instrumental in the passing of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. NO LONGER ADDING NAMES.

American Patriots Standing for Liberty

This masterfile is comprised of several active Conservative mailers who stand for liberty and the constitution! The United States suffered a crushing military defeat when President Biden abandoned American citizens and Afghan allies to our terrorist enemy, and inflation has reached its highest level since 1980. These donors want to SAVE AMERICA against the radical leftist and destructive socialist agenda being imposed on them! Usage has been update and this file has proven to have GREAT results for candidate mailers! File updated October, 2024.

Bible Belt Republican Donors - NEW COUNTS JULY 2024

Evangelical Christians make up just under a quarter of the national electorate, and as much as half of the GOP’s voting base, a base which proved to be a major winning factor during the 2016 Presidential election! With the upcoming 2020 elections, the strength of the Evangelical support for GOP candidates remains to be essential to Republican candidates. New counts as of July, 2024

Christian Action Network

Radical Islamic activity in America has reached shocking epidemic levels and Islamic principles are finding their way into our court systems and schools. Donors to Christian Action Network (CAN) are dedicated to protecting America's religious and moral heritage from radical Islam. Usage updated November, 2024.

Christian Donors and Activists Supporting Israel

This file of Christian donors and activists believe in a free and strong Israel. They are strongly opposed to the radical groups who are out to destroy the nation of Israel. This list is a fantastic source of Christian and conservative mailers, especially those who support the people and nation of Israel.

Christian Patriots Masterfile

The Christian Patriots Masterfile (CPMF) is made up of devout Christian donors who believe in the Biblical values upon which our nation was founded. They believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the power of prayer to heal our nation. They believe these rights come from God and will fight to protect those rights. They are strongly pro-life, and stand for liberty and freedom.

CO2 Coalition - NEW TO RMLC

Donors to CO2 Coalition are strongly opposed to the collective agenda of Big Tech, mainstream media, and the Green Lobby, and look to strengthen the understanding of the role of science and the scientific process in addressing complex public policy issues. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging. File updated November 2024.

Conservative Christian Alliance

Once known as a top performing list, this file has been refreshed with new data and has been put back on the market! These politically active Christian donors believe in the sacredness of human life and the sanctity of marriage and family, and they contribute to organizations that defend our religious freedoms and traditional family values.

Conservative GOP Database

The unduplicated database of one of the nation’s largest conservative/Republican direct mail agencies is perfect for state Republican parties, as well as local, congressional, gubernatorial and senatorial candidates. These donors are pro-life and believe in traditional family values. Usage and counts updated November '24.

Conservatives for American Greatness - New List

These patriotic men and women, who love and care for America, are determined to better our nation and ensure a bright future for our children and their own. Great test idea for religious freedom, anti-illegal immigration, or pro-American mailers.

Convention of States Action

Donors to this group are concerned about the future of this country, and want to preserve our liberties for our children and grandchildren! These donors are pro-liberty, pro-sovereignty, pro-America, and want to call for a Convention of States!

Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.” Counts updated October, 2024.

Donors Supporting the American Republic - Perfect for Election Integrity mailers!

These pro-American and pro-Constitutional patriots love America and want to see the American Republic thrive. They are strongly opposed to lockdowns and government tyranny and want to expose government corruption.

These donors will support many Conservative appeals, especially those fighting for election integrity and protecting the security and prosperity of our nation.

First Liberty Institute

First Liberty Institute is the largest legal organization focused solely on protecting and restoring religious liberty in the United States. They offer legal assistance pro bono to help defend the religious freedoms of individuals, churches, and other organizations across this nation. Actively prospecting AND exchanging!

Freedom Alliance

This conservative group, founded by LtCol. Oliver L. North (Ret.), supports our brave Soldiers who are putting their lives on the line so Americans can live safe and free. These donors demand accountability for the lives lost and the heroes who were injured during the US exit from Afghanistan. This mailer is prospecting AND exchanging. Counts updated December, 2024.

Herzog Foundation (formerly ACE Alliance)

Donors to Herzog Foundation care deeply about Christ-centered education. They believe children should be immersed in Christ-centered teaching on a daily basis. These donors give to organizations that fight for parents’ rights in education, biblical values in schools and government, as well as organizations who stand for strong family values. These are mission-driven donors. Updated November, 2024.

Institute for Humane Studies

Institute for Humane Studies is made of donors who are passionate about the enduring principles that underlie free society and want to educate future generations in those principles. These donors want the free-market society to thrive and donate to do their part to make that happen. Exchange only.

International Relief for the Persecuted Christian Church - NEW NAMES

These donors are very supportive of evangelistic efforts in difficult places and passionately stand up for the Persecuted Church and other minority groups around the world. Great test for mission appeals, both domestic and international, and conservative political or anti-Communist appeals. Counts and usage just updated September 2024!

Landmark Legal Foundation - NEW TO RMLC

Donors to Landmark Legal Foundation realize the existential threats to our individual rights and liberties, the Constitution, and our national character. If unchallenged, this assault on our very way of life will ruin our great nation, and Landmark Legal will not let that happen without a fight. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging.


Live Action reveals the humanity of the preborn and exposes the abortion industry exploitation of women and families for profit. Donors to Live Action want to educate people about the humanity of a preborn, expose human rights abuses and corruption of the abortion industry and lobby, and inspire and activate people to be a voice for the voiceless. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging.

Mercatus Center

The Mercatus Center is a research center at George Mason University that advances knowledge about how markets solve problems and help us lead happier, healthier, and richer lives.

The scholars at the center make a principled and solid case for market economics and individual liberty using the best university research. They’re making a powerful difference stop the nonsense and restore freedom, inspiring a brave new wave of economics scholars. Actively prospecting and exchanging.

Mountain States Legal Foundation - NOW MANAGED AT RMLC

Mountain States Legal Foundation is focused on protecting property rights and economic liberty, defending the right to keep and bear arms, championing free speech and association, and upholding the principle of equal protection. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging.

Parents Television and Media Council (PTC)

The mission of the PTC is to protect children and families from graphic sex, violence, and profanity in the media, because of their proven, long-term harmful effects. Donors to PTC care deeply about protecting children from harm and allowing parents the right to stand up for the preservation of family values. Use this file for anyone mailing on children’s issues, education issues, or child safety.

Pray for Jerusalem

Donors to Pray for Jerusalem stand against every form of anti-Semitism and support the right of the Jewish people to live in their ancient homeland, Israel. These Christian donors have a love for Israel, are serious about spreading the Gospel, and are on a march to win the world for Jesus Christ. This list is a must test for any humanitarian or Christian mailer.

Proud to be an American Donor

These engaged political donors are proud to say they are citizens of the United States of America, “The Land of the Free and the Home of The Brave.” Our country is exceptional, and these donors want to keep their proud traditional American heritage safe and secure. These donors will continue to support candidates and organization that share their love for their country and family values. This list is a MUST test for conservative mailers and candidates! High dollar selects available.

Counts and usage updated September, 2023.

Red Wave Donors

These multi-donors supported the 2022 Republican candidates across the country during the last election cycle.

These proud American donors have not given up, and will support many Conservative appeals, and believe their donations will make a difference for future elections AND importantly, the survival of the American citizen. Rental only. High dollar selects available.

Senior Conservatives Concerned About America's Future - JUST UPDATED NOVEMBER

These hardworking senior donors, who love and care for America, are determined to better our nation and ensure a bright future for our children and their own. This SENIOR masterfile is made up of active conservatives who are anti-big government and are opposed to Washington politicians using Social Security to finance their wasteful government spending sprees! Names thru November 6, 2024.

Seniors with Traditional Values

These are traditional, family-value-oriented seniors who have proven their direct mail responsiveness time and time again by supporting their beliefs, their values and their ethics with their checkbooks. These donors are not afraid to spend or donate their money and will be excellent prospects for any charity benefiting children, medical research, religion, emergency relief or any other humanitarian efforts. Counts updated December '24.

United States Justice Foundation (USJF)

“The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public interest, legal action organization that instructs, informs and educates the public on, and litigates, significant legal issues confronting America.” These patriotic Americans defend our Constitution and President Trump, and recognize the leftists are openly flouting the Constitution, legal standards, and congressional rules in order to destroy our President. This group is actively prospecting and exchanging!

Winning Back America - NEW COUNTS JULY 2024

These donors are ready for a change. House seats are up for election in 2024 as well as many Senate seats. The fight for the House and Senate are difficult. The Biden Administration is struggling, and a Red Wave is coming. New counts July, 2024

Allen West Donors for a Stronger America

Congressman West is an Army Veteran who served in the U.S. Military for 20 years and served in Operation Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. He is the former Republican Representative from Florida’s 22nd Congressional District. He was on the Small Business Committee and the Armed Services Committee. The Congressman was instrumental in the passing of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. NO LONGER ADDING NAMES.

American Patriots Standing for Liberty

This masterfile is comprised of several active Conservative mailers who stand for liberty and the constitution! The United States suffered a crushing military defeat when President Biden abandoned American citizens and Afghan allies to our terrorist enemy, and inflation has reached its highest level since 1980. These donors want to SAVE AMERICA against the radical leftist and destructive socialist agenda being imposed on them! Usage has been update and this file has proven to have GREAT results for candidate mailers! File updated October, 2024.

Bible Belt Republican Donors - NEW COUNTS JULY 2024

Evangelical Christians make up just under a quarter of the national electorate, and as much as half of the GOP’s voting base, a base which proved to be a major winning factor during the 2016 Presidential election! With the upcoming 2020 elections, the strength of the Evangelical support for GOP candidates remains to be essential to Republican candidates. New counts as of July, 2024

Christian Action Network

Radical Islamic activity in America has reached shocking epidemic levels and Islamic principles are finding their way into our court systems and schools. Donors to Christian Action Network (CAN) are dedicated to protecting America's religious and moral heritage from radical Islam. Usage updated November, 2024.

Christian Donors and Activists Supporting Israel

This file of Christian donors and activists believe in a free and strong Israel. They are strongly opposed to the radical groups who are out to destroy the nation of Israel. This list is a fantastic source of Christian and conservative mailers, especially those who support the people and nation of Israel.

Christian Patriots Masterfile

The Christian Patriots Masterfile (CPMF) is made up of devout Christian donors who believe in the Biblical values upon which our nation was founded. They believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the power of prayer to heal our nation. They believe these rights come from God and will fight to protect those rights. They are strongly pro-life, and stand for liberty and freedom.

CO2 Coalition - NEW TO RMLC

Donors to CO2 Coalition are strongly opposed to the collective agenda of Big Tech, mainstream media, and the Green Lobby, and look to strengthen the understanding of the role of science and the scientific process in addressing complex public policy issues. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging. File updated November 2024.

Conservative GOP Database

The unduplicated database of one of the nation’s largest conservative/Republican direct mail agencies is perfect for state Republican parties, as well as local, congressional, gubernatorial and senatorial candidates. These donors are pro-life and believe in traditional family values. Usage and counts updated November '24.

Conservatives for American Greatness - New List

These patriotic men and women, who love and care for America, are determined to better our nation and ensure a bright future for our children and their own. Great test idea for religious freedom, anti-illegal immigration, or pro-American mailers.

Convention of States Action

Donors to this group are concerned about the future of this country, and want to preserve our liberties for our children and grandchildren! These donors are pro-liberty, pro-sovereignty, pro-America, and want to call for a Convention of States!

Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.” Counts updated October, 2024.

Donors Supporting the American Republic - Perfect for Election Integrity mailers!

These pro-American and pro-Constitutional patriots love America and want to see the American Republic thrive. They are strongly opposed to lockdowns and government tyranny and want to expose government corruption.

These donors will support many Conservative appeals, especially those fighting for election integrity and protecting the security and prosperity of our nation.

First Liberty Institute

First Liberty Institute is the largest legal organization focused solely on protecting and restoring religious liberty in the United States. They offer legal assistance pro bono to help defend the religious freedoms of individuals, churches, and other organizations across this nation. Actively prospecting AND exchanging!

Freedom Alliance

This conservative group, founded by LtCol. Oliver L. North (Ret.), supports our brave Soldiers who are putting their lives on the line so Americans can live safe and free. These donors demand accountability for the lives lost and the heroes who were injured during the US exit from Afghanistan. This mailer is prospecting AND exchanging. Counts updated December, 2024.

Herzog Foundation (formerly ACE Alliance)

Donors to Herzog Foundation care deeply about Christ-centered education. They believe children should be immersed in Christ-centered teaching on a daily basis. These donors give to organizations that fight for parents’ rights in education, biblical values in schools and government, as well as organizations who stand for strong family values. These are mission-driven donors. Updated November, 2024.

Institute for Humane Studies

Institute for Humane Studies is made of donors who are passionate about the enduring principles that underlie free society and want to educate future generations in those principles. These donors want the free-market society to thrive and donate to do their part to make that happen. Exchange only.

International Relief for the Persecuted Christian Church - NEW NAMES

These donors are very supportive of evangelistic efforts in difficult places and passionately stand up for the Persecuted Church and other minority groups around the world. Great test for mission appeals, both domestic and international, and conservative political or anti-Communist appeals. Counts and usage just updated September 2024!

Keep America Great

Since President Trump's election, more than 5 million jobs have been created and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent. Consumer confidence has soared, and President Trump is delivering on his campaign promises. Donald Trump started a movement when he was elected as President in 2016, and the Democrats have gone to great length to reform our country and turn this great nation to a socialist society! These donors not only vote in the state they reside in, BUT in races outside of their state! They are dedicated political activists who follow local and national races. Donors can be selected nationally, and target state races; or select state only. New counts as of December 2020.

Landmark Legal Foundation - NEW TO RMLC

Donors to Landmark Legal Foundation realize the existential threats to our individual rights and liberties, the Constitution, and our national character. If unchallenged, this assault on our very way of life will ruin our great nation, and Landmark Legal will not let that happen without a fight. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging.


Live Action reveals the humanity of the preborn and exposes the abortion industry exploitation of women and families for profit. Donors to Live Action want to educate people about the humanity of a preborn, expose human rights abuses and corruption of the abortion industry and lobby, and inspire and activate people to be a voice for the voiceless. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging.

Mercatus Center

The Mercatus Center is a research center at George Mason University that advances knowledge about how markets solve problems and help us lead happier, healthier, and richer lives.

The scholars at the center make a principled and solid case for market economics and individual liberty using the best university research. They’re making a powerful difference stop the nonsense and restore freedom, inspiring a brave new wave of economics scholars. Actively prospecting and exchanging.

Mountain States Legal Foundation - NOW MANAGED AT RMLC

Mountain States Legal Foundation is focused on protecting property rights and economic liberty, defending the right to keep and bear arms, championing free speech and association, and upholding the principle of equal protection. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging.

Parents Television and Media Council (PTC)

The mission of the PTC is to protect children and families from graphic sex, violence, and profanity in the media, because of their proven, long-term harmful effects. Donors to PTC care deeply about protecting children from harm and allowing parents the right to stand up for the preservation of family values. Use this file for anyone mailing on children’s issues, education issues, or child safety.

Pray for Jerusalem

Donors to Pray for Jerusalem stand against every form of anti-Semitism and support the right of the Jewish people to live in their ancient homeland, Israel. These Christian donors have a love for Israel, are serious about spreading the Gospel, and are on a march to win the world for Jesus Christ. This list is a must test for any humanitarian or Christian mailer.

Proud to be an American Donor

These engaged political donors are proud to say they are citizens of the United States of America, “The Land of the Free and the Home of The Brave.” Our country is exceptional, and these donors want to keep their proud traditional American heritage safe and secure. These donors will continue to support candidates and organization that share their love for their country and family values. This list is a MUST test for conservative mailers and candidates! High dollar selects available.

Counts and usage updated September, 2023.

Red Wave Donors

These multi-donors supported the 2022 Republican candidates across the country during the last election cycle.

These proud American donors have not given up, and will support many Conservative appeals, and believe their donations will make a difference for future elections AND importantly, the survival of the American citizen. Rental only. High dollar selects available.

Senior Conservatives Concerned About America's Future - JUST UPDATED NOVEMBER

These hardworking senior donors, who love and care for America, are determined to better our nation and ensure a bright future for our children and their own. This SENIOR masterfile is made up of active conservatives who are anti-big government and are opposed to Washington politicians using Social Security to finance their wasteful government spending sprees! Names thru November 6, 2024.

United States Justice Foundation (USJF)

“The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public interest, legal action organization that instructs, informs and educates the public on, and litigates, significant legal issues confronting America.” These patriotic Americans defend our Constitution and President Trump, and recognize the leftists are openly flouting the Constitution, legal standards, and congressional rules in order to destroy our President. This group is actively prospecting and exchanging!

Winning Back America - NEW COUNTS JULY 2024

These donors are ready for a change. House seats are up for election in 2024 as well as many Senate seats. The fight for the House and Senate are difficult. The Biden Administration is struggling, and a Red Wave is coming. New counts July, 2024

Allen West Donors for a Stronger America

Congressman West is an Army Veteran who served in the U.S. Military for 20 years and served in Operation Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. He is the former Republican Representative from Florida’s 22nd Congressional District. He was on the Small Business Committee and the Armed Services Committee. The Congressman was instrumental in the passing of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. NO LONGER ADDING NAMES.

American Patriots Standing for Liberty

This masterfile is comprised of several active Conservative mailers who stand for liberty and the constitution! The United States suffered a crushing military defeat when President Biden abandoned American citizens and Afghan allies to our terrorist enemy, and inflation has reached its highest level since 1980. These donors want to SAVE AMERICA against the radical leftist and destructive socialist agenda being imposed on them! Usage has been update and this file has proven to have GREAT results for candidate mailers! File updated October, 2024.

Bible Belt Republican Donors - NEW COUNTS JULY 2024

Evangelical Christians make up just under a quarter of the national electorate, and as much as half of the GOP’s voting base, a base which proved to be a major winning factor during the 2016 Presidential election! With the upcoming 2020 elections, the strength of the Evangelical support for GOP candidates remains to be essential to Republican candidates. New counts as of July, 2024

Conservative GOP Database

The unduplicated database of one of the nation’s largest conservative/Republican direct mail agencies is perfect for state Republican parties, as well as local, congressional, gubernatorial and senatorial candidates. These donors are pro-life and believe in traditional family values. Usage and counts updated November '24.

Convention of States Action

Donors to this group are concerned about the future of this country, and want to preserve our liberties for our children and grandchildren! These donors are pro-liberty, pro-sovereignty, pro-America, and want to call for a Convention of States!

Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.” Counts updated October, 2024.

Freedom Alliance

This conservative group, founded by LtCol. Oliver L. North (Ret.), supports our brave Soldiers who are putting their lives on the line so Americans can live safe and free. These donors demand accountability for the lives lost and the heroes who were injured during the US exit from Afghanistan. This mailer is prospecting AND exchanging. Counts updated December, 2024.

Keep America Great

Since President Trump's election, more than 5 million jobs have been created and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent. Consumer confidence has soared, and President Trump is delivering on his campaign promises. Donald Trump started a movement when he was elected as President in 2016, and the Democrats have gone to great length to reform our country and turn this great nation to a socialist society! These donors not only vote in the state they reside in, BUT in races outside of their state! They are dedicated political activists who follow local and national races. Donors can be selected nationally, and target state races; or select state only. New counts as of December 2020.

Proud to be an American Donor

These engaged political donors are proud to say they are citizens of the United States of America, “The Land of the Free and the Home of The Brave.” Our country is exceptional, and these donors want to keep their proud traditional American heritage safe and secure. These donors will continue to support candidates and organization that share their love for their country and family values. This list is a MUST test for conservative mailers and candidates! High dollar selects available.

Counts and usage updated September, 2023.

Red Wave Donors

These multi-donors supported the 2022 Republican candidates across the country during the last election cycle.

These proud American donors have not given up, and will support many Conservative appeals, and believe their donations will make a difference for future elections AND importantly, the survival of the American citizen. Rental only. High dollar selects available.

Winning Back America - NEW COUNTS JULY 2024

These donors are ready for a change. House seats are up for election in 2024 as well as many Senate seats. The fight for the House and Senate are difficult. The Biden Administration is struggling, and a Red Wave is coming. New counts July, 2024

Bible Belt Republican Donors - NEW COUNTS JULY 2024

Evangelical Christians make up just under a quarter of the national electorate, and as much as half of the GOP’s voting base, a base which proved to be a major winning factor during the 2016 Presidential election! With the upcoming 2020 elections, the strength of the Evangelical support for GOP candidates remains to be essential to Republican candidates. New counts as of July, 2024

Christian Action Network

Radical Islamic activity in America has reached shocking epidemic levels and Islamic principles are finding their way into our court systems and schools. Donors to Christian Action Network (CAN) are dedicated to protecting America's religious and moral heritage from radical Islam. Usage updated November, 2024.

Christian Donors and Activists Supporting Israel

This file of Christian donors and activists believe in a free and strong Israel. They are strongly opposed to the radical groups who are out to destroy the nation of Israel. This list is a fantastic source of Christian and conservative mailers, especially those who support the people and nation of Israel.

Christian Outreach Donors

These Christian donors have given to a variety of causes, including pro-Israel issues, humanitarian issues, and to organizations who are serious about spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. They give generously to causes which further the Christian message of giving to the poor and helping those in need.

Christian Patriots Masterfile

The Christian Patriots Masterfile (CPMF) is made up of devout Christian donors who believe in the Biblical values upon which our nation was founded. They believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the power of prayer to heal our nation. They believe these rights come from God and will fight to protect those rights. They are strongly pro-life, and stand for liberty and freedom.

Conservative Christian Alliance

Once known as a top performing list, this file has been refreshed with new data and has been put back on the market! These politically active Christian donors believe in the sacredness of human life and the sanctity of marriage and family, and they contribute to organizations that defend our religious freedoms and traditional family values.

Conservatives for American Greatness - New List

These patriotic men and women, who love and care for America, are determined to better our nation and ensure a bright future for our children and their own. Great test idea for religious freedom, anti-illegal immigration, or pro-American mailers.

First Liberty Institute

First Liberty Institute is the largest legal organization focused solely on protecting and restoring religious liberty in the United States. They offer legal assistance pro bono to help defend the religious freedoms of individuals, churches, and other organizations across this nation. Actively prospecting AND exchanging!

Freedom Alliance

This conservative group, founded by LtCol. Oliver L. North (Ret.), supports our brave Soldiers who are putting their lives on the line so Americans can live safe and free. These donors demand accountability for the lives lost and the heroes who were injured during the US exit from Afghanistan. This mailer is prospecting AND exchanging. Counts updated December, 2024.

Herzog Foundation (formerly ACE Alliance)

Donors to Herzog Foundation care deeply about Christ-centered education. They believe children should be immersed in Christ-centered teaching on a daily basis. These donors give to organizations that fight for parents’ rights in education, biblical values in schools and government, as well as organizations who stand for strong family values. These are mission-driven donors. Updated November, 2024.

International Relief for the Persecuted Christian Church - NEW NAMES

These donors are very supportive of evangelistic efforts in difficult places and passionately stand up for the Persecuted Church and other minority groups around the world. Great test for mission appeals, both domestic and international, and conservative political or anti-Communist appeals. Counts and usage just updated September 2024!


Live Action reveals the humanity of the preborn and exposes the abortion industry exploitation of women and families for profit. Donors to Live Action want to educate people about the humanity of a preborn, expose human rights abuses and corruption of the abortion industry and lobby, and inspire and activate people to be a voice for the voiceless. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging.

Parents Television and Media Council (PTC)

The mission of the PTC is to protect children and families from graphic sex, violence, and profanity in the media, because of their proven, long-term harmful effects. Donors to PTC care deeply about protecting children from harm and allowing parents the right to stand up for the preservation of family values. Use this file for anyone mailing on children’s issues, education issues, or child safety.

Pray for Jerusalem

Donors to Pray for Jerusalem stand against every form of anti-Semitism and support the right of the Jewish people to live in their ancient homeland, Israel. These Christian donors have a love for Israel, are serious about spreading the Gospel, and are on a march to win the world for Jesus Christ. This list is a must test for any humanitarian or Christian mailer.

Seniors with Traditional Values

These are traditional, family-value-oriented seniors who have proven their direct mail responsiveness time and time again by supporting their beliefs, their values and their ethics with their checkbooks. These donors are not afraid to spend or donate their money and will be excellent prospects for any charity benefiting children, medical research, religion, emergency relief or any other humanitarian efforts. Counts updated December '24.

Allen West Donors for a Stronger America

Congressman West is an Army Veteran who served in the U.S. Military for 20 years and served in Operation Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. He is the former Republican Representative from Florida’s 22nd Congressional District. He was on the Small Business Committee and the Armed Services Committee. The Congressman was instrumental in the passing of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. NO LONGER ADDING NAMES.

American Patriots Standing for Liberty

This masterfile is comprised of several active Conservative mailers who stand for liberty and the constitution! The United States suffered a crushing military defeat when President Biden abandoned American citizens and Afghan allies to our terrorist enemy, and inflation has reached its highest level since 1980. These donors want to SAVE AMERICA against the radical leftist and destructive socialist agenda being imposed on them! Usage has been update and this file has proven to have GREAT results for candidate mailers! File updated October, 2024.

Christian Action Network

Radical Islamic activity in America has reached shocking epidemic levels and Islamic principles are finding their way into our court systems and schools. Donors to Christian Action Network (CAN) are dedicated to protecting America's religious and moral heritage from radical Islam. Usage updated November, 2024.

Christian Donors and Activists Supporting Israel

This file of Christian donors and activists believe in a free and strong Israel. They are strongly opposed to the radical groups who are out to destroy the nation of Israel. This list is a fantastic source of Christian and conservative mailers, especially those who support the people and nation of Israel.

Christian Outreach Donors

These Christian donors have given to a variety of causes, including pro-Israel issues, humanitarian issues, and to organizations who are serious about spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. They give generously to causes which further the Christian message of giving to the poor and helping those in need.

Christian Patriots Masterfile

The Christian Patriots Masterfile (CPMF) is made up of devout Christian donors who believe in the Biblical values upon which our nation was founded. They believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the power of prayer to heal our nation. They believe these rights come from God and will fight to protect those rights. They are strongly pro-life, and stand for liberty and freedom.

Conservative Christian Alliance

Once known as a top performing list, this file has been refreshed with new data and has been put back on the market! These politically active Christian donors believe in the sacredness of human life and the sanctity of marriage and family, and they contribute to organizations that defend our religious freedoms and traditional family values.

Conservatives for American Greatness - New List

These patriotic men and women, who love and care for America, are determined to better our nation and ensure a bright future for our children and their own. Great test idea for religious freedom, anti-illegal immigration, or pro-American mailers.

First Liberty Institute

First Liberty Institute is the largest legal organization focused solely on protecting and restoring religious liberty in the United States. They offer legal assistance pro bono to help defend the religious freedoms of individuals, churches, and other organizations across this nation. Actively prospecting AND exchanging!

Freedom Alliance

This conservative group, founded by LtCol. Oliver L. North (Ret.), supports our brave Soldiers who are putting their lives on the line so Americans can live safe and free. These donors demand accountability for the lives lost and the heroes who were injured during the US exit from Afghanistan. This mailer is prospecting AND exchanging. Counts updated December, 2024.

Herzog Foundation (formerly ACE Alliance)

Donors to Herzog Foundation care deeply about Christ-centered education. They believe children should be immersed in Christ-centered teaching on a daily basis. These donors give to organizations that fight for parents’ rights in education, biblical values in schools and government, as well as organizations who stand for strong family values. These are mission-driven donors. Updated November, 2024.

International Relief for the Persecuted Christian Church - NEW NAMES

These donors are very supportive of evangelistic efforts in difficult places and passionately stand up for the Persecuted Church and other minority groups around the world. Great test for mission appeals, both domestic and international, and conservative political or anti-Communist appeals. Counts and usage just updated September 2024!

Pray for Jerusalem

Donors to Pray for Jerusalem stand against every form of anti-Semitism and support the right of the Jewish people to live in their ancient homeland, Israel. These Christian donors have a love for Israel, are serious about spreading the Gospel, and are on a march to win the world for Jesus Christ. This list is a must test for any humanitarian or Christian mailer.

Proud to be an American Donor

These engaged political donors are proud to say they are citizens of the United States of America, “The Land of the Free and the Home of The Brave.” Our country is exceptional, and these donors want to keep their proud traditional American heritage safe and secure. These donors will continue to support candidates and organization that share their love for their country and family values. This list is a MUST test for conservative mailers and candidates! High dollar selects available.

Counts and usage updated September, 2023.

Senior Conservatives Concerned About America's Future - JUST UPDATED NOVEMBER

These hardworking senior donors, who love and care for America, are determined to better our nation and ensure a bright future for our children and their own. This SENIOR masterfile is made up of active conservatives who are anti-big government and are opposed to Washington politicians using Social Security to finance their wasteful government spending sprees! Names thru November 6, 2024.

Seniors with Traditional Values

These are traditional, family-value-oriented seniors who have proven their direct mail responsiveness time and time again by supporting their beliefs, their values and their ethics with their checkbooks. These donors are not afraid to spend or donate their money and will be excellent prospects for any charity benefiting children, medical research, religion, emergency relief or any other humanitarian efforts. Counts updated December '24.

Christian Patriots Masterfile

The Christian Patriots Masterfile (CPMF) is made up of devout Christian donors who believe in the Biblical values upon which our nation was founded. They believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the power of prayer to heal our nation. They believe these rights come from God and will fight to protect those rights. They are strongly pro-life, and stand for liberty and freedom.

Conservative Christian Alliance

Once known as a top performing list, this file has been refreshed with new data and has been put back on the market! These politically active Christian donors believe in the sacredness of human life and the sanctity of marriage and family, and they contribute to organizations that defend our religious freedoms and traditional family values.

Senior Conservatives Concerned About America's Future - JUST UPDATED NOVEMBER

These hardworking senior donors, who love and care for America, are determined to better our nation and ensure a bright future for our children and their own. This SENIOR masterfile is made up of active conservatives who are anti-big government and are opposed to Washington politicians using Social Security to finance their wasteful government spending sprees! Names thru November 6, 2024.

Seniors with Traditional Values

These are traditional, family-value-oriented seniors who have proven their direct mail responsiveness time and time again by supporting their beliefs, their values and their ethics with their checkbooks. These donors are not afraid to spend or donate their money and will be excellent prospects for any charity benefiting children, medical research, religion, emergency relief or any other humanitarian efforts. Counts updated December '24.

Red Wave Donors

These multi-donors supported the 2022 Republican candidates across the country during the last election cycle.

These proud American donors have not given up, and will support many Conservative appeals, and believe their donations will make a difference for future elections AND importantly, the survival of the American citizen. Rental only. High dollar selects available.

Senior Conservatives Concerned About America's Future - JUST UPDATED NOVEMBER

These hardworking senior donors, who love and care for America, are determined to better our nation and ensure a bright future for our children and their own. This SENIOR masterfile is made up of active conservatives who are anti-big government and are opposed to Washington politicians using Social Security to finance their wasteful government spending sprees! Names thru November 6, 2024.

Seniors with Traditional Values

These are traditional, family-value-oriented seniors who have proven their direct mail responsiveness time and time again by supporting their beliefs, their values and their ethics with their checkbooks. These donors are not afraid to spend or donate their money and will be excellent prospects for any charity benefiting children, medical research, religion, emergency relief or any other humanitarian efforts. Counts updated December '24.

American Patriots Standing for Liberty

This masterfile is comprised of several active Conservative mailers who stand for liberty and the constitution! The United States suffered a crushing military defeat when President Biden abandoned American citizens and Afghan allies to our terrorist enemy, and inflation has reached its highest level since 1980. These donors want to SAVE AMERICA against the radical leftist and destructive socialist agenda being imposed on them! Usage has been update and this file has proven to have GREAT results for candidate mailers! File updated October, 2024.

CO2 Coalition - NEW TO RMLC

Donors to CO2 Coalition are strongly opposed to the collective agenda of Big Tech, mainstream media, and the Green Lobby, and look to strengthen the understanding of the role of science and the scientific process in addressing complex public policy issues. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging. File updated November 2024.

Institute for Humane Studies

Institute for Humane Studies is made of donors who are passionate about the enduring principles that underlie free society and want to educate future generations in those principles. These donors want the free-market society to thrive and donate to do their part to make that happen. Exchange only.

Landmark Legal Foundation - NEW TO RMLC

Donors to Landmark Legal Foundation realize the existential threats to our individual rights and liberties, the Constitution, and our national character. If unchallenged, this assault on our very way of life will ruin our great nation, and Landmark Legal will not let that happen without a fight. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging.

Mercatus Center

The Mercatus Center is a research center at George Mason University that advances knowledge about how markets solve problems and help us lead happier, healthier, and richer lives.

The scholars at the center make a principled and solid case for market economics and individual liberty using the best university research. They’re making a powerful difference stop the nonsense and restore freedom, inspiring a brave new wave of economics scholars. Actively prospecting and exchanging.

Mountain States Legal Foundation - NOW MANAGED AT RMLC

Mountain States Legal Foundation is focused on protecting property rights and economic liberty, defending the right to keep and bear arms, championing free speech and association, and upholding the principle of equal protection. This mailer is actively prospecting and exchanging.

Red Wave Donors

These multi-donors supported the 2022 Republican candidates across the country during the last election cycle.

These proud American donors have not given up, and will support many Conservative appeals, and believe their donations will make a difference for future elections AND importantly, the survival of the American citizen. Rental only. High dollar selects available.